Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
24411 Rampart Blvd
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Phone: 941.629.3888
web: http://www.HolyTrinitypc.org
V. Rev. Father Mojmir Zalcik, Ph.D
will lead us in the Divine Liturgy
Psalte: George Vriniotis
Sexton: George Stavropoulos
Choir Director: Nikie Doukas
Attendants Today: Jim Sanders, Tom Bobotas,
Michael O’Dougherty, Monica Vallee
Next Week: Cathy Roy, Nick Louloudis,
Debbie Kontos and Peter Kyriakopoulos
Sweet Ladies Today: Amelia Costa, Cathy Sanders, Ellen Healy, Nancy Mardanes, Loula Carroll, Helen Raptakis, Nelly O’Dougherty
Next Week: Judy Stavropoulos, Cathy Roy, Eve Manthous, Maria Louloudis
Divine Services Schedule
Sun. June 9 –Fathers of the
First Ecumenical Council
Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Kneeling Prayers
One year memorial service for James Karapontso brother of Bob Karapontso
Festal Vespers with Artoklasia at 6 pm
The Feast of our Church Parish;
A light meal will be served after Services
Mon June 17- Day of the Holy Spirit
Orthros at 9am, Div. Liturgy at 10am
Sun. June 23 – Sunday of All Saints; Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Mon. June 24 – Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Sat. June 29 – Feast-Apostles Peter and Paul Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Sun. June 30 – Feast- Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles; Orthros at 9am, Divine Liturgy at 10am
Birthdays & Anniversaries
May our Lord and God grant you
Many Blessed Years
Bulleting News
Contact Fr. Mojmir Zalcik
Please let Fr. Mojmir know if you would like to have a memorial for a loved one. We can announce it in
the bulletin.
If you need a prayer for yourself, or for your
beloved one who is sick or in need, or spiritual talk, do not hesitate to tell Fr. Mojmir.
Holy Confession
The sacrament of Holy Confession has always been very important part of the Orthodox Christian’s spiritual journey during our pilgrimage with the Lord in our life. All who are interested in participating in this Holy Sacrament of Confession and Reconciliation, please call me at 304-319-3441
Fr. Mojmir Zalcik’s Office Hours
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 to 12:00 Noon
Phone: 941.629.3888
Cell: 304.319.3441
On the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven
“… For all, today's feast becomes even more serious, as we behold all the ranks of angels everywhere dancing, some following Him, other going before, others gathering around, others further with the choir of the apostles, telling them: “O Galileans, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus Whom you see ascended from you into heaven, He will come again in the same manner as you saw Him ascend to heaven.” This is Jesus Who showed a multitude of wonders. At this feast of the Master, the day of the Ascension, the devil is wailing, as we said, while the faithful are joyful. Now has the joyous spring dawned, and the beauty of flowers blossomed. The branches of vines are pruned, the olive trees give their sweet fragrance, the fig trees give their immature fruit, and the wind blows rustling the leaves, mimicking the dancing of the waves: all things rejoice with us at the ascension of the Master. Bring, therefore, with us the words of David, that we might rightly cry out to the Master Who has ascended: “Let all the nations clap their hands, crying to God with a voice of rejoicing. The Lord ascends with the sound of the trumpet, to where He was.” He ascends, but is not separated. For he who descended, has ascended above the heavens. The prophets saw no other, nor did the apostles eat with another. No other was in the bosom of the Father, nor was another judged by Pilate. No other was nailed to the cross with nails, nor was another carried by the Cherubim. No other was wrapped in a shroud by Joseph, nor does another hold creation in the palm of His hand. No other was laid in a tomb, nor was another hymned by the Seraphim. No other is seated with the Father, Who took root in the virginal womb. God ascended with a shout, the Lord with the cry of the trumpet, He Who is the Creator from the ages, Who brought all things into being, Who fashioned Adam, Who generated human nature, Who translated to life Enoch who pleased Him, Who preserved Noah together with the world, Who called Abraham from the land of the Chaldeans, Who made Isaac to be a sign of the mystery of the cross, Who granted Jacob the twelve-pillars of offspring, Who granted Job patience, Who made Moses to become the leader of the people, Who filled Samuel with prophecy from his mother's womb, Who anointed David as king from the prophets, Who granted Solomon wisdom, Who took up Elias in a flaming chariot, Who instilled the prophets with foreknowledge, Who granted the apostles gifts of healing, and Who cried to them: “Take heart, I have overcome the world.”
This is the Lord of glory Who is ascended into the heavens with a shout, and is seated on the right hand of the Father. Under His authority are angels, and dominions and powers, and it is He Who receives our pained prayers, and makes us victors over the pirates of this world. Under His dominion is every rank of the unclean spirits, as He says to us: “Behold, I have given you authority to trample upon snakes and scorpions.”
Unharmed and spotless, healthy and whole, preserve us in soul and body and spirit, filling us with the fruits of righteousness and fruitfulness, You Who are the God of all, You Who didst make us worthy to gather to celebrate this feast, for to You belong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.”
(adapted from homily of Saint John Chrysostom; Homily III)
We welcome all who have come to pray with us. Baptized and Chrismated Orthodox Christians who are properly prepared though prayer, fasting, repentance and alms giving are invited to come forward to receive the Holy Eucharist. Everyone is invited to receive blessed bread which is called Antidoron from the priest at the end of the Divine Liturgy.