Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
24411 Rampart Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Phone: 941-629-3888
304-319-3441(Fr. Mojmir)
web: http://www.HolyTrinitypc.org
Online Donations
Please continue to support the ministry of your Church/Parish and consider mailing your stewardship, contribution, and other donations
to the Parish Office or online via a credit card:
Office Hours: Tues.-Fri.: 9 am-12 pm (Noon)
Priest: Protopresbyter Fr. Mojmir Zalcik PhD
Divine Services & Events Schedule
Sun. Oct. 15 – Sunday of the Holy Fathers of
the 7th Ecumenical Council;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Mon. Oct.16 – St Longinos the Centurion
Tues. Oct.17 – Hosea the Prophet
Wed. Oct.18 – Luke the Evangelist
Thur. Oct.19 – Joel the Prophet
Sat. Oct. 21 – St Hilarion the Great
Sun. Oct. 22 – 6thSunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Mon. Oct. 23 – James the Apostle
Thur. Oct. 26 – St Demetrios
the Myrrh-Bearer
[IMPORTANT: Please tell Father Dean M.,, if you would like to serve with him Divine services in honor of St Demetrios. Thank you]
Sun. Oct. 29 – 7th Sunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Thur. November 2 – Akindynos,
Elpidophoros & Companions
Fri. Nov. 3 – Church of St George in Lydda
Sun. Nov. 5 – 5thSunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
In the absence of Father Mojmir,
please call Fr. Dean M.: 941-780-3329
Please tell Father Dean Mendrinos, if you would like to serve with him Divine services in honor of St Demetrios. Thank you.
Prayer List: We pray for good health of
Dean, Stevie, Popy, Cindy, Mike, Tom, Ellen, Costa, Virginia, Eve-Ann, Theresa, Stella, Nicholas, Anastasia, Leonard, Marina, Anne, Barb, David, Fr. Zoltan, m. Tatiana…, and all ill.
May God heal you all!
2023 Stewardship/Membership
Please, support the Holy Orthodox Ministry and our community here.
Stewardship Cards for the Holy Trinity Church Membership are available at the desk in the Narthex of the Church.
Many thanks to all Stewards and all who attend, support, donate, make sacrifices, and for all you do good for our Holy Trinity Church and Parish! May God bless and protect you all!
Do not be over-sophisticated in the words you use when praying, because the simple and unadorned lisping of children has often won the heart of their Heavenly Father.
St. John Climacus, ‘The Ladder of Divine Ascent’; Boston: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1978, Step 28: On Holy and Blessed Prayer, the Mother of Virtues, and on the Attitude of Mind and Body in Prayer
Everything you do in revenge against a brother who has harmed you will come back to your mind at the time of prayer.
Abba Nilus, in ‘The Sayings of the Desert Fathers’; in Sr. Benedicta
Ward, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1975, pp. 153-155
Do not be always wanting everything to turn out as you think it should, but rather as God pleases; then you will be undisturbed and thankful in your prayer. Abba Nilus, in ‘The Sayings of the Desert Fathers’; in Sr. Benedicta Ward, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1975), p.153-5
The Christian, approaching God with a prayer to Him, or to His most pure Mother, or to the angels and saints, in order to insure the success of his prayer, ought to try to resemble as far as possible the Lord Himself, or His most-pure Mother, or the angels and saints. In this lies the secret of drawing near to God, and of His speedily hearing our prayers.
St. John of Kronstadt (My Life in Christ, Part 1; Holy Trinity Monastery pgs. 19-20)
...the most important miracle to be sought for in prayer is the union of our whole being with God - 'that good part, which shall not be taken away' (Luke 10:42) from us by death. Our attention should be focused on our resurrection in God as the ultimate meaning of our appearance in the world. Love towards Christ, filling the whole man, works a radical change in us ... Christ united in Himself God and man, and through Him we have access to the Father.
Archimandrite Sophrony; His Life is Mine: Part 2, Chapter 1; SVS Press pg. 109
Had Moses not received the rod of power from God, he would not have become a god to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:1) and a scourge both to him and to Egypt. Correspondingly the intellect, if it fails to grasp the power of prayer, will not be able to shatter sin and the hostile forces ranged against it. St. Gregory of Sinai.
'And He spake a parable to them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to lose heart.' So do not lose heart and despair because you have not yet received the gift of prayer. You will receive it later.
Evagrios the Solitary, Philokalia, Vol. I
All the faithful, men and women, on rising from sleep in the morning should wash their hands and pray to God before they undertake any sort of work; then they may proceed to their work .... If you are at home, pray and give praises to God at the third hour. If you are somewhere else at that time pray to God in your heart, for that is the hour at
which Christ was seen to be fastened to the
tree .... Similarly pray at the sixth hour, too. For
when Christ had been fastened to the wood of the Cross, the day was cut off and there came a great darkness .... One should also offer extended prayer and blessing at the ninth hour, in imitation of the way the souls of the just bless God Who does not lie but Who remembered His saints and sent His Word to enlighten them. For at that hour Christ was pierced in the side, poured forth water and blood, and made light shine on the remainder of the day as He brought it to its evening. Thus, at the moment when He was about to fall asleep, He created the start of a new day and thus supplied an image of His Resurrection. St. Hippolytus of Rome 170-235
All prayers assume the great poverty and misery of our fallen nature; they also assume that the Lord is the ever-flowing source of every perfection, every blessing; that He is our inexhaustible treasury. Truly, we must always have poverty of spirit during prayer and. "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matt. 5:3).
St. John of Kronstadt, My Life in Christ
As our body becomes dead and full of stench when the soul leaves it, so a soul in which prayer is not active is dead and stenches. That to be deprived of prayer should be counted worse than death is clearly shown us by Prophet Daniel, who was ready to die rather than be deprived of prayer at any hour. One should remember God more often than one breathes.
‘Reflections on the Eight Thoughts’, Abba Evagrius; Early Fathers From the Philokalia, translated from the Russian text ‘Dobrotolubiye’, by E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer, 8th edition, (London: Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1981), pp. 113-114
Go and have pity on all, for through pity, one finds freedom of speech before God.
Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky
Go, sell all that belongs to you and give it to the poor and taking up the cross, deny yourself; in this way you will be able to pray without distraction.
Abba Nilus
Christ is in our midst!
He is and ever shall be!
