Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
24411 Rampart Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Phone: 941-629-3888
304-319-3441(Fr. Mojmir)
web: http://www.HolyTrinitypc.org
Online Donations
Please continue to support the ministry of your Church/Parish and consider mailing your stewardship, contribution, and other donations
to the Parish Office or online via a credit card:
Office Hours: Tues.-Fri.: 9 am-12 pm (Noon)
Priest: Protopresbyter Fr. Mojmir Zalcik PhD
Divine Services & Events Schedule
Sun. Oct. 22 – 6thSunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Note: Please tell Father Dean Mendrinos,
if you would like to serve with him Divine services in honor of Saint Demetrios the Myrrh-Bearer, October 26. Thank you!
Mon. Oct. 23 – James the Apostle
Thur. Oct. 26 – St Demetrios the Myrrh-
Bearer; Divine Liturgy at 10 am
Sun. Oct. 29 – 7th Sunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Thur. November 2 – Akindynos,
Elpidophoros & Companions
Fri. Nov. 3 – Church of St George in Lydda
Sun. Nov. 5 – 5thSunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Wed. Nov. 8 – Synaxis of the Archangels;
Divine Liturgy at 10 am
Thurs. Nov. 9 – Nektarios the Wonderworker
Sat. Nov. 11 – Menas of Egypt;
Veterans Day
Sun. Nov. 12 – 8th Sunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
In the absence of Fr. Mo,
in emergency
call Father Dean Mendrinos: 941-780-3329
Prayer List: We pray for good health of
Stevie, Nickie, Popy, Cindy, Mike, Tom, Ellen, Costa, Virginia, Eve-Ann, Theresa, Nicholas, Anastasia (Sharon), Stella, Leonard, Marina, Michael, Anne, Barb, David, Fr. Zoltan, m. Tatiana…, and all who are ill and in need.
May God heal you all!
Birthday: Catherine Roy (10/28)
Anniversay: Mr./Mrs. Norman Cardinale &
Monica Vallee (10/25)
God grant you many and blessed years!
2023 Stewardship/Membership
Please, support the Holy Orthodox Ministry and our community here.
Stewardship Cards for the Holy Trinity Church Membership are available at the desk in the Narthex of the Church. Many thanks to all Stewards and all who attend, support, donate, make sacrifices, and for all you do good for our Holy Trinity Church and Parish!
May God bless and protect you all!
Gleanings from Holy Fathers and teachers
of the Church and Orthodox Authors
God has granted us existence - the greatest gift of His goodness, and after we had fallen away from Him, from life into death, He gave us for our regeneration, to bring us back to life, His Son. How small in proportion are all the other gifts which we ask of Him in prayer, and how easy it is for Him to give them to us at the first word of true faith, if they are necessary for us! Therefore it is perfectly unpardonable in us if we still doubt that we shall obtain what we ask
of God in prayer. The Lord said plainly: 'Ask, and it shall be given you.' (Matt. 7:7).
St. John of Kronstadt (My Life in Christ, Part 1; Holy Trinity Monastery pg. 50)
He who prays in spirit and in truth does not borrow from creatures thoughts to glorify the Creator, but draws from the Creator Himself contemplations for His praise.
‘153 Texts on Prayer’, St Nilus of Mt Sinai, "Early Fathers From the Philokalia," translated from the Russian text, "Dobrotolubiye," by E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer, eighth edition, (London: Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1981), pp. 127 - 135.
He who prays often will escape temptation; but thoughts will trouble the heart of the careless.
‘Instructions to Cenobites and Others’, Abba Evagrius, Early Fathers From the Philokalia, translated from the Russian text, ‘Dobrotolubiye’, by E. Kadloubovsky and G.E.H. Palmer, eighth edition, (London: Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1981), pp. 115 - 116.
Hence if a man whose conscience accuses him of evil calls God his Father, he asserts precisely that God is the cause and origin of his own wickedness. But `there is no fellowship of light with darkness,' says the Apostle; but light associates with light and justice with what is just, beauty with what is beautiful and incorruption with the incorruptible.
`A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.'
If then some who is `dull of heart' and `seeks after lying,' as the Scripture says, yet dares to use the words of the prayer, he should know that he does not call the Heavenly One his Father, but the infernal one, who is himself a liar and father of every lie, who is sin and the father of sin.
St. Gregory of Nyssa, On The Lord's Prayer
Hence, in whatever state a person is, he sometimes finds himself making pure and intense prayers. For even from that first and lowest sort, which has to do with recalling the future judgment, the one who is still subject to the punishment of terror and the fear of judgment is occasionally so struck with compunction that he is filled with no less joy of spirit from the richness of his supplication than the one who, examining the kindnesses of God and going over them in the purity of his heart, dissolves into unspeakable gladness and delight. For, according to the words of the Lord, the one who realizes that more has been forgiven him begins to love more.
St. John Cassian, The Conferences
How many times have I prayed for what seemed a good thing for me and not leaving it to God to do as He knows best But having obtained what I begged for, I found myself in distress because I had not asked for it to be, rather, according to God's will.
St. Nilus of Sinai
I advise you to convince yourself and force yourself to prayer and every good action, even if you do not feel the desire for it. God seeing such labor and application will give you goodwill and zeal. Such good will and a certain attraction to prayer is often a result of habit. Get into this habit and it will draw you to prayer and good actions.
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
I am like a man sitting under a great tree, who sees wild beasts and snakes coming against him in great numbers. When he cannot withstand them any longer, he runs to climb the tree and is saved. It is just the same with me; I sit in my cell and I am aware of evil thoughts coming against me, and when I have no more strength against them, I take refuge in God by prayer and I am saved from the enemy.
Abba John the Dwarf.
If Moses had not received from God the rod of power, he would not have become god to pharaoh and would not have punished both him and Egypt. In the same way the mind, if it does not wield in its hand the power of prayer, will be unable to conquer sin and the powers of the enemy.
St. Gregory of Sinai (Texts on Commandments and Dogmas no. 114)
If Moses had not received from God the rod of power, he would not have become god to pharaoh and would not have punished both him and Egypt. In the same way the mind, if it does not wield in its hand the power of prayer, will be unable to conquer sin and the powers of the enemy.
St. Gregory of Sinai in Writings from the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart
Christ is in our midst!
He is and ever shall be!
