Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
24411 Rampart Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Phone: 941-629-3888
304-319-3441(Fr. Mojmir)
web: http://www.HolyTrinitypc.org
Online Donations
Please continue to support the ministry of your Church/Parish and consider mailing your stewardship, contribution, and other donations to the Parish Office or online via a credit card:
Office Hours: Tues.-Fri.: 9 am-12 pm (Noon)
Priest: Protopresbyter Fr. Mojmir Zalcik PhD
Divine Services & Events Schedule
Sun. September 24 –

Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am.
Father Dean will serve all Divine services in the time of absence of Fr. Mojmir Z.
Tues. Sept. 26 – Falling Asleep of John the
Evangelist and Theologian
Church Hall/Event Center, 6pm-8pm
Sun. October 1 – 2nd Sunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Tues. Oct. 3 – Saint Dionysios the Areopagite
Fri. Oct. 6 – Thomas the Apostle
Sun. Oct. 8 – 3rd Sunday of Luke;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Mon. Oct 9 – Columbus Day
Thur. Oct 12 – St Symeon the New Theologian
Sun. Oct. 15 – Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council;
Orthros 9 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
Do Not Forget - Save The Date:
Saturday September 30,
Church Hall/Event Center, 6pm - 8pm.
Games-snacks-good time; no dress code. Meet & Greet Our New Comers!
For more info see sister Cathy Roy.
In the absence of Father Mojmir,
IN EMERGENCY, call Father Dean Mendrinos: 941-780-3329. Thank you.
Prayer List: We pray for good health of
Dean, Stevie, Popy, Cindy, Mike, Tom, Ellen, Costa, Virginia, Eve-Ann, Theresa, Stella, Nicholas, Anastasia,
Leonard, Marina, Anne, Barb, David, Fr. Zoltan, m. Tatiana..., and all ill.
May God heal you all!
John Voyiatzis (9/24),
Mike Coombs (9/25),
Rose Marie Tsourkas (9/26),
Kathryn Healy (9/29),
Frances Kyriakopoulos (9/29),
Dena Manos (9/29),
Darla McCarthy (9/30),
God grant you many and blessed years!
2023 Stewardship/Membership
Please, support the Holy Orthodox Ministry and our community here.
Stewardship Cards for the Holy Trinity Church Membership are available at the desk in the Narthex of the
Church. Many thanks to all Stewards and all who attend, support, donate, make sacrifices, and for all you do
good for our Holy Trinity Church and Parish!
May God bless and protect you all!
Gleanings from Holy Fathers and teachers
of the Church and Orthodox Authors
Before the war begins, seek after your ally; before you fall ill, seek out your physician; and before grievous
things come upon you, pray, and in the time of your tribulations you will find Him, and He will listen to you.
St. Isaac the Syrian (ca. 306-373)
Blessed is he who prays with fervor, for the devil never approaches him. St. Ephraim the Syrian
Before all else, let us list sincere thanksgiving first on the scroll of our prayer. On the second line, we should put
confession and heartfelt contrition of soul. Then let us present our petition to the King of all. This is the best way of prayer, as it was shown to one of the brethren by an angel of the Lord. St. John Climacus, ‘The Ladder of Divine Ascent’, Boston: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1978, Step 28: On Holy and Blessed Prayer, the Mother of Virtues, and on the Attitude of Mind and Body in Prayer Brother asked Elder: What are fasting and prayer? Elder answered: Fasting is the subjugation of the body, prayer is converse with God, vigil is a war against Satan, abstinence is being weaned from meats, humility is the state of the first man, kneeling is the inclining of the body before the Judge, tears are the remembrance of sins, nakedness is our captivity which is caused by the transgression of the command, and service is constant supplication to and praise of God.
Brother: Are these able to redeem the soul?
Elder: When internal things agree with external, and manifest humility appears in the hidden works which are
from within, verily, a man shall be redeemed from the weight of the body.
E. A. Wallis Budge, "The Paradise of the Holy Fathers," Seattle, St. Nectarios Press, 1984, pp. 263-264
Brother: What is pure prayer? Elder: Pure prayer is little in speech and great in deeds, for if it were not so work
would be more excellent than supplication For if it be not so why do we ask and yet not receive, seeing that the
mercy of God abounds? The method of penitents is, however, something different, as is also the labor of the
humble, for the penitents are hirelings, and the humble are sons. Ibid, pp. 266-267
Brother: What is the kind of prayer which is not acceptable before God?
Elder: The destruction of enemies, and asking for evil things to come upon those who do harm to us, and the
health of the body, and a multitude of
possessions, and abundance of offspring -- prayers for these things are not acceptable before God. But if God
bears with us while we are sinners and commit offences against Him, how much more is it right that we should
bear with each other? It is not right for us to ask for the things which belong to the Body, for the wisdom of God
provides all things. Ibid., pp. 266-267
Blessed is he who, with a hunger that is never satisfied, day and night throughout this present life makes
prayer and the psalms his food and drink and strengthens himself by reading of God's glory in Scripture. Such
communion will lead the soul to ever-increasing joy in the age to come. St. John of Karpathos, The Philokalia:
The Complete Text, Volume I, by St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth; trans. By
G.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and (Bishop) Kallistos Ware, (London: Faber & Faber, 1979), pp. 298 - 309
But although our Lord distinguished the four kinds of prayers to be offered, individually and at different times,
as we understand, nonetheless He shows as well by His own example that they can also be included together
in a perfect prayer. This He does in that prayer which we read that He poured out at great length toward the
end of the Gospel according to John (Ch.17).
St. John Cassian, The Conferences
But since we say that God is plenteous in mercy, why is it that when amidst temptations we unceasingly knock
and pray, we are not heard, and He disregards our prayer? This we are clearly taught by the Prophet when he
says, `The Lord's hand is not little, that it cannot save; nor is He heavy of hearing, that He cannot hear; but our sins have separated us from Him, and our iniquities have turned His face away, that He doth not hearken.'
Remember God at all times, and He will remember your whenever you fall into evils.
The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian
Do not admit any sensory phantasies during prayer, lest you become subject to derangement. St. John
Climacus, ‘The Ladder of Divine Ascent’; Boston: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1978, Step 28: On Holy and
Blessed Prayer, the Mother of Virtues, and on the Attitude of Mind and Body in Prayer.
