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Writer's pictureMargeaux Vallee

Sunday, May 17th- Bulletin

Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord and God Jesus Christ, May 19th is the memorial date for the Greek Genocide in Pontus, and on Sunday, May 17, we serve in our Holy Trinity Church a TRISAGION for the victim of the Genocide.

The Greek Orthodox Genocide in Pontus refers to the systematic extermination of the native Greek subjects of the Ottoman Empire before, during, and after World War I (1914-1923) from Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. It included massacres, forced deportations, and death marches, summary expulsions, boycotts, rape, forced conversion to Islam, conscription into labor battalions, arbitrary executions, and destruction of Orthodox Christian cultural, historical and religious monuments. According to various sources, approximately 1 million Ottoman Greeks perished during this period.

All Greek males aged between 21-45 were forcibly conscripted into labor battalions Most of them perished under appalling conditions being forced to work around the clock with little food or water. In 1915, under the advice of German military personnel.   These Greeks were not permitted to take anything with them. Goods in their shops were later sold by Ottoman authorities. They were deported to the interior and to Muslim villages where they were forced to choose between Islam or death.   According to figures compiled by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, by 1918, 774,235 Greeks had been deported from their homes, many of them to the interior of Turkey, never to be seen again.

May our Risen Lord, who trampled upon death, offer repose to the souls of these victims, and may we never forget this tragic event.  Amen.

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

24411 Rampart Blvd.

Port Charlotte, FL 33980

Phone: 941.629.3888

304.319.3441 (Fr. Mojmir)

Online Donations

For stewardship donations and contributions

can be made online via a credit card.

Fr. Mojmir Zalcik’s Office Hours

Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 to 12:00 Noon

Fr. Mojmir Zalcik, PhD


Χριστός ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

Christ is risen! Truly the Lord is risen!

Divine Services Schedule

Sun. May 17 – Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Orthros/Great Doxology 9am, Div. Liturgy 10am;

• Memorial service/Trisagion

(05/19 - the Memorial Day for the Greek Genocide in Pontus)

- and for †Marie & †Andrew Kanton

Thur. May 21 – Sts Constantine & Helen

Orthros/Great Doxology 9am, Divine Liturgy 10am

Sun. May 24 – Sunday of the Blind Man

Orthros/Great Doxology 9am, Divine Liturgy 10am

Mon. May 25 – Mamorial Day

Wed. May 27 – Apodosis of Pascha

Thur. May 28 – Holy Ascension

Orthros/Great Doxology 9am, Divine Liturgy 10am

Sun. May 28 – Fathers of the 1st Ec. Council

Orthros/Great Doxology 9am, Div. Liturgy 10am

Stewardship - Donation - Contribution

Please continue to support the Church/Parish and consider mailing your stewardship, contribution, and other donations to the Parish Office or online, since we do not know how long this situation will last.

Many and Blessed Years to

Nick Tentomas (B-Day 5/20), Nancy Mardanes (5/21), Photini Tentomas (5/23); Mr./Mrs. Nicholas and Bessie Manos (Anniv. 5/23)

Dear and beloved brothers and sisters,

Let me thank you for your love, your prayers, for your support and for everything you do for your Church and Parish during this difficult time.

Thank you, my dear and beloved brothers in Christ. May God bless you all!

Please, continue to pray at your homes with us every day at 8pm, that God our Lord and Savior heals the sick, protects us all and that He will stop this pandemic (Prayer of Protection from the Coronavirus):

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray to the Lord.

“Blessed are You, O Christ our God. You made the fishermen all-wise, by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them You drew the world into Your net. O Lover of mankind, glory to You”.

(Apolytikion of Pentecost/Holy Trinity Sunday; Mode pl. 4;)

Oh Lord, we pray and ask for Your great and abundant mercy. Lord, have mercy. (3)

We pray for all pious and Orthodox Christians, for all beloved ones, for members of the family, for all parishioners, for our brothers and sisters in Christ, for us all. Lord, have mercy. (3)

We pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and remission of the sins of the servants of God, those who are under impending threat of the Corona Virus, those who are suffering and those who are recovering from this affliction. Lord, have mercy. (3)

We pray for the protection of our Holy Church, for our Parish, for our Church of the Holy Trinity here, for this city and every city and land from wrath, famine, pestilence, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, foreign invasion, civil strife and accidental death. That our good and loving God

may be merciful, gracious and kindly-disposed, and may divert and disperse all anger and disease coming against us, and deliver us from His own just threat hanging over us, and have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. (3)

We pray to You, our Lord God, asking you that You hear the prayer of us sinners and have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy. (3)

We pray to You, O God Almighty, Lord of heaven and earth, and of all creation visible and invisible, in Your ineffable goodness, look down upon Your people gathered in Your name. Be our helper and defender in this day of affliction. You know our weakness. You hear our cry in repentance and contrition of heart. O Lord who loves mankind deliver us from the impending threat of the corona virus. Send Your Angel to watch over us and protect us. Grant health and recovery to those suffering from this virus. Guide the hands of physicians, and preserve those who are healthy that we may continue to serve You in peace and glorify Your most honorable and majestic Name, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

[Prayer by Grace Bishop Alexis (Trader) of Bethesda]

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.(3)

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (3)

Lord, we thank You and we pray and ask You for Your protection and Your blessing. Amen.

May God have mercy,

protect, bless and save you all!


Sunday of Samaritan Woman

Holy Martyr Photina

This was the Samaritan woman who had the rare fortune to converse with the Lord Christ Himself at the Well of Jacob, near Sychar (St. John 4:4-31).

Believing in the Lord, Photina afterwards went to preach His Gospel with Victor and Josiah her two sons, and with her five sisters, Anatolia, Phota,

Photida, Parasceve and Cyriaca.

They had gone to Carthage in Africa. There they were arrested and taken to Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero and were thrown into prison. By God's Divine Providence, Domnina, the daughter of Nero, came into contact with St. Photina and was converted to the Faith of Christ by her. After imprisonment they all suffered for the sake of Christ. Photina, who for the first time was enlightened with the light of truth at the well of Sychar, was now thrown into a well where she died and entered into the eternal kingdom of Christ.

Hymn Of Praise

The Samaritan Woman met Christ at the Well,

and she was enlightened with the light of Christ,

under Nero, in another well, she ended her life,

and to Christ God, her Lord, her spirit she gave.

Victor and Josiah were her glorious sons,

with their saintly mother, enlightened with holiness,

with her five sisters suffered for the Name of Christ,

receiving their reward with her, translated to heaven.

O, penitent Photina, wonderful sufferer,

how your countenance with eternal light now glows,

at one time, not only water you gave to the Savior,

finally, even you shed for Him your blood.

While a Samaritan you were yet,

that, darkened your soul,

but, when you a Christian became,

above the sun's rays you shown.

In Sychar,

you proclaimed Christ with fear,

in the center of Rome,

by your death you witnessed to Him.

Love destroys every fear,

and makes one a hero,

love forever glorified you,

Oh, Photina!

Two or three Romes can be burned down by Nero,

but the souls of Christians can’t,

Nero can smash the vessels of clay,

but, over the spirit of Photina, no power can have.

O, immortal saint, help us now,

by your prayers,

with your intercession,

before the Throne of Christ.


(translated from ‘Prologue of Ohrid’)

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